Culture: February 2011 Archives

Stephen, Jessica, and friends

When I first saw this terrific image by Kristianna Smith I thought, "the only thing missing here is the cute puppy." In fact however both the photo and this post are all about the books. IDIOM, which we describe as our online magazine of artistic and cultural practice, has just launched a book section, IDIOMbooks.

We're very excited about it, not least because of our confidence in the folks you see conferring above. Stephen Squibb is the overall editor of IDIOM and Jessica Loudis will be editing IDIOMbooks.

We're also announcing the appointment of Kristianna as Staff Photographer (Yay!), the redesign of IDIOM itself, and a lot of goodies in the form of new articles in both sections of the site.

[image by Kristianna Smith]

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