General: November 2009 Archives


No, it isn't the holiday that's being exacted. By "enforced holiday" I mean that my little Air is back in the shop, this time with an audio output malfunction (it simply stopped). If I'm very lucky, and my neighbors at Tekserve are really kind, I'll have it back on Wednesday, but I'm preparing to expect a slightly longer wait because of, yes, the holiday. In the meantime I'm using the equivalent of a borrowed jalopy, so I won't be posting here for a while.

A lot of people aren't looking at their computers this week or next anyway, between the preparations for and the distractions of Thanksgiving and the Miami art fairs, so I'm concentrating on the arrangements for our own little roasted bird in good conscience: It's a small Canard de Barbarie, and I picked it up yesterday at Ottomanelli's. Our plans to celebrate the feast in Brooklyn with 14 others were sadly cancelled at the last minute. Unable to invite company only days before the date, we had to re-think our favorite harvest féte as a much smaller and more home-based event. If it's a culinary success, there will be a report in our Food Blog.

[image from Huro Kitty's Flickr]

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