Hirschhorn2.jpgThomas Hirschhorn, details of two panels from the series, UTOPIA UTOPIA = ONE WORLD ONE WAR ONE ARMY ONE DRESS (2003) paper, prints, plastic foil, adhesive tape, marker, ballpoint pen [each of the eight panels, 50cm x 60cm]

We're at home tonight, our unease suspended for now by 20th-century Spanish Music (Halffter, Marco, Soler, Hidalgo, Bernaola, Barce, etc.), one of the great rewards of a large collection of recordings.

Hirschhorn's work may seem like a particulary inappropriate context for this thought, but I'm fantasizing how in a different world art might actually be able to suspend all of the world's monstrousness, its dis-ease, just that easily.

[image photographed in the spaces of Arndt & Partner at the Armory Show today]

About this Entry

Published on March 13, 2004 8:27 PM.

previous entry: not married

next entry: Spain gets good news