Chris Tanner

Chris Tanner Marcella 2005 mixed media on canvas 48" x 110" detail

Although perhaps not quite so excited as he himself should be with his latest success, we're still really delighted with Chris Tanner's spectacular show, "Ravaged by Romance," at Pavel Zoubok, an uptown gallery which recently moved to West 23rd Street.

Barry and I have been enthusiastic about Tanner's work (the paintings, the performances and Chris himself) for some time, but we've never seen so much of it at once, outside the walls of his dazzling apartment (yup, you already knew it's in the middle of the East Village).

It may be hard to believe, but what you see in this show are actually some of his more low-key creations. We have one brilliant, large-ish piece ourselves (always wishing we could have more) and, given a chance, it would probably upstage this show on its own. It should also upstage our entire apartment, but we haven't yet given it a chance. It still hasn't been framed, partly because it really needs something more like a box with a plexi cover: The problem isn't the paillettes; it's those fabulous feathers.

Okay, now I've talked myself into uncovering it again and just letting the magic breathe.

For more images, see the artist's page on the Pavel Zoubok site.

Tannerflowersmother .jpg
Chris Tanner Flowers for my Mother 2004 mixed media on wallpaper 17.75" x 17.75"

[second image from Pavel Zoubek]

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Published on February 14, 2005 7:22 PM.

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