Brian Belott at Canada

Brian Belott "Books, books, books, books, books, books and books" detail of installation

Brian Belott "Books, books, books, books, books, books and books" detail of detail of installation

We really overstayed our invitation welcome to the three shows at the Chinatown gallery Canada which closed a few days ago. In fact, Barry and I had wandered into the space after they had officially closed the official run of work by Brian Belott, Jocelyn Shipley and Frankie Martin.

On one side of the front gallery Belott showed a large renaissance-revival oak library table overflowing with his handmade books, each of their pages bursting with his infinitely-inventive collages. Belott covers the surface of every page of these found volumes until they can no longer close, but must stand upright in sensual invitation. We poured through dozens of them before we could tear ourselves away and let Whit (Canada's co-founder) leave for the night.

Hi Brian -i am with Patrick Farmer - do you remember him and we are at a thanksgiving party and patrick is now a sculptor and his work is awesome - you two need to connect! her's his email address: [email protected]

by the way this is Liz cohen - when are we going to do qan installation together???????????????

About this Entry

Published on April 17, 2005 1:57 PM.

previous entry: making it in Chelsea

next entry: Jocelyn Shipley at Canada