you can't hide, America!

I've finally realized where I've been for almost the last two years. I'm in the midst of a really stupid comic book, but it's not made of paper, and it's not comic, and it's not ending!

If you still have to be convinced you're in it with me, but only if you can stand the pain, go back over the past quotes of any of the current gang in the White House. Bush's best can be found here. He has not monopolized the class by any means, but his seem to be the only ones with something like their own website--and a book.

Barry has already posted this rather fresh Dubya doozy tonight, but it's just so comically horrible I feel compelled to do what I can to broadcast it farther.

"There's no cave deep enough for America, or dark enough to hide."—George W. Bush, Oklahoma City, Okla., Aug. 29, 2002
One can only weep.

About this Entry

Published on August 30, 2002 11:19 PM.

previous entry: "They want the war"

next entry: Blair, Berlusconi, Bush