It's a fucked-up country.
Sexphobia and religion encourages AIDS
Ever bigger, tanklike SUVs protect us from each other
Bombing is regularly employed to maintain peace
Health care is made a commodity
Incumbents are honored when terror strikes on their watch
The environment is converted into theme parks
Public schools must be supported by donations
--or replaced by private schools
History has been turned into a costume party
Violence is conventional
Drugs are regarded as more dangerous than a drug war
Democracy is rejected in favor of gossip
Populism is regarded as class war
Guns are absolutely the law of the land
Taxes are a duty for all but big business and the rich
Intelligence is always suspect
Corporations abjure tax obligations
--but compete to throw money at government
Theocracy is regarded as the ideal polity
Suburban villas keep us as far from each other as money can manage
Using public transportation is regarded as shameful
Morality must always be religious morality, and it usually means sex
Almost everything means sex