help the family that helps itself

The more immediate, political evil of "family values" affects all of us, whether our own families are "valued" or not. In Florida, the Bush family has been helped by the Rehnquist family, even as each family helps itself.

At the request of Gov. Jeb Bush's office, the inspector general of the Health and Human Services Department ordered delays in a federal audit of Florida's pension fund that ensured that the review would not be completed before Governor Bush won re-election, officials said today.

Congress is investigating the delays sought by the inspector general, Janet Rehnquist, daughter of Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist.

I'm not making this up.

About this Entry

Published on November 26, 2002 11:54 AM.

previous entry: "then get the hell out"

next entry: U.S. government censors health information