four letters

This morning the Guardian printed four of Rachel Corrie's last letters. I no longer have the nerve to show just excerpts.

A dear Palestinian friend of ours who is now staying with his family in Jerusalem found the link and sent this message with it:

When I read what Rachel Corrie's friends and professors said about her, how intelligent she was, I wondered whether they were exaggerating in kindness to her memory. They were not, as shown by a sample of four moving letters to her family.

Her eloquent words are also the imagined, unverbalized expressions of the many nameless faceless people who are too impoverished and castrated to even know how to describe their reality in words. That is the saddest truth.


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Published on March 18, 2003 12:46 PM.

previous entry: keep your eye on the press, but read the web

next entry: so's your old man!