bombings as usual?

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A suicide car bomb killed 47 people at an army recruitment center in Baghdad Wednesday, taking the death toll to about 100 in two attacks on Iraqis working with the U.S. occupation forces within 24 hours.
After the previous day's bombing, our guy Rumsfeld said this sort of thing happens in cities routinely.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, asked about Tuesday's car bombing in Iraq that killed about 50 people, said there are murders in every major city in the world "because human beings are human beings."

What city does he lives in? And if he thinks the thousands being killed in Iraqi cities are just routine events in all civilizations [read, "Sodoms and Gomorrahs"], how does he and his Administration justify making those killed on September 11 the foundation of all U.S. domestic and foreign policy?

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Published on February 11, 2004 11:32 AM.

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