Getty Gardens, groundcover


Luxurious miniature landscape: For a sense of scale, see a very small bee just to the left and above the center of the picture.

Wondering ... do you know what the 2 stones say as you enter the garden at Getty? It is a quote by Robert Irwin, and I'd love to be reminded what it said. Thank you!

I believe it reads:

Ever Changing
never twice the same

Always Present
Never Less Than Whole

Can anyone confirm? It is the truest thing about gardens I know.

The stones read:

Ever present never twice the same
Ever changing never less than whole

Again, I need confirmation, since I found this in another site, and it may be juxtaposed.

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About this Entry

Published on August 15, 2004 7:27 PM.

previous entry: Getty Gardens, Salvia

next entry: Getty Gardens, rebar trellis