Morgan Fisher

our own moment on the [silent] screen, included here in an installation view of Morgan Fisher's Silent 1.33:1 (2004) mirrored glass

Just in time for the holiday movie crush, Greene Naftali has installed a show for people who aren't content with the passive conventions of film buffery. The first solo exhibition of work by Morgan Fisher first brings the viewer onto the screen itself and then invites him or her, now as audience, to think about the norms of the visual devices which allow us to through read a film's story.

The Angelika just can't do this sort of thing.

From the gallery's press release:

Fisher will present an installation of inscribed mirrors as well as a 16mm film titled ( ). The mirrors are in the proportions of motion picture images ranging from those of the silent period to the present, with the name and ratio of each format sand-blasted onto the surface. The film, titled ( ), appropriates black and white and color footage to create a non-narrative sequence of chance juxtapositions.

About this Entry

Published on November 28, 2004 3:25 PM.

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