garbage flowers

I spotted this garden planted just outside the long frontage of the Museum of Modern Art on West 53rd Street today. I was on my way to the American Folk Art Museum located next door.




Each "flower" bore one green leaf attached to its shiny metal stem. The individual pieces had been signed and numbered.


On the reverse of each leaf were the words, "Original - Garbage Flowers - Genuine," arranged in an oval gently suggesting a logo.

Oh yes, when I passed the site again two hours later I was astounded to find that no one had removed a single blossom, and none had wilted, not one wit.

Fantastic! Now confess. Didn't you take one or two?
Where else do they grow?

No, I really didn't, although I think I was surprised by my control. But once I got home I found out where they can be bought (see the link on the phrase "Garbage Flowers" below the bottom photo).

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About this Entry

Published on March 31, 2005 2:07 AM.

previous entry: Gae Savannah redux

next entry: now that he's finally quiet, let's keep him warm indefinitely