coming here soon: better hardware, and software

just testing

My old camera, a tiny digital, the DimageX, recently had to be sent in for repairs again. I really was planning to get a grown-up camera anyway, but the combination of immediate need and an impending trip to Berlin finally triggered my springing for the NIKON D70s which took the picture above.

It doesn't fit into my pocket [on some days it will just have to stay home], but there will be compensations. See this earlier image taken with the miniature.

It's a shame, but I haven't had the time to even look at the manual or the DVD guide I bought. I've also not yet even tried to figure out how to use another new purchase, our Photoshop software.

Basically I want pictures, not gadgets. I don't want to be too distracted by the machinery, but I know I'm going to have to do some homework to get what I want out of this magic box.

For a while longer it's going to be just point and shoot, but I am going to pack that camera manual.

A sensible purchase which we readers of this page will thank you for making. A proper, grown-up camera will enable you to move your pictures onto the next level (but you can still point-and-shoot when you don't have the time and inclination to fuss). Looking forward to seeing Berlin.

Superb call on the camera, James. If you decide you want another one that's high quality and tiny enough to take anywhere, you could check out Nikon Coolpix 7700. Oh-my-God miniature, 7.1 megapix, honkin' big monitor, powerful battery w/ charger, costs: 450 smackeroos. Shell out another $50-ish to get an extra memory card, not required but helpful. Rock on!!!

About this Entry

Published on October 9, 2005 2:21 PM.

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next entry: living with Hans Poelzig