a close afternoon of small pleasures

Cotoneaster [?] lining the footpath

urban riverside scene

Koi pond

poppy above the Hunger Memorial

We walked all of the way downtown from 23rd Street yesterday with a friend who was visiting from Berlin. Most of our path brought us along Hudson River Park, but there wasn't any relief from the afternoon's oppressive heat and humidity even at the water's edge. In spite of the temptation of seeing more of the kind of delights I'm recording here, today we decided to stay inside.

No, no fireworks for us tonight.

a close afternoon of small pleasures HAS TOUCHED ME IN THE MOST AMAZING WAY.
Very evocative of my childhood it finally allowed me to mentally let go of my mother
who died of natural causes on 30th June

Thank you

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Published on July 4, 2006 6:43 PM.

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next entry: Chris Moukarbel at Wallspace