subway abstractions







Barry had a copy of Harpers, but I had neglected to take any reading material with me today when we headed off to Williamsburg. Of course that meant that we would have an unusually long wait at the head of the line on 14th Street before the otherwise completely empty L train would get on its way east. I reached for my camera, but the digital clip was empty, so there were no older images to entertain me while I waited.

Then I decided to unleash it to see what it could make of the limited material available in sight. I just stayed on the bench and let Barry read to me from his magazine.

These are the images I retrieved when we got home.

Terrific pictures, James. I often find myself doing the same when I forget a magazine or book. The first is quite lovely, and the second and fourth are handsome photos, too.

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About this Entry

Published on February 18, 2007 9:17 PM.

previous entry: Ian Davis at Leslie Tonkonow

next entry: Stefan Saffer at Pavel Zoubok