the ArtCal Zine debuts

ArtCal Zine home page screen grab

Omigosh, I'm not sure I can stand the excitement. ArtCal now has a real zine! No, I'm really serious about my enthusiasm: I think this thing is really cool. ArtCal is becoming less an appendage of its editors and more community-driven, but it's still only the beginning. Watch for additional forms of editorial content and visitor interchanges in the future.

Barry and the the managing Zine editor, Bosko Blagojevic, have been working wonders, and at the moment we have a very smooth vehicle and a number of eager contributors in the pipeline, many of them artists themselves, busy now putting together articles.

Look for "FROM THE ZINE" on the middle of the right-hand side of the ArtCal home page, just above "CULTURE PUNDITS BLOG POSTS". Individual pieces will be scrolling down from the top of the zine page as they are published. For a look at the complete list, click onto any one of those already showing or onto the words "FROM THE ZINE" at the top of the box. Older entries will be archived and easily retrieved through different searches. To avoid missing out on anything, you may also subscribe to a feed, as I just did.

There's going to be no real limit to either the geographical reach of subject material or the idiosyncratic style of writing in the Zine portion of ArtCal, so expect to be surprised.

[image from ArtCal]

About this Entry

Published on October 8, 2007 3:12 PM.

previous entry: gallery photo prohibitions harass all visitors

next entry: subway vellum