"The Blogger Show" at Agni Gallery

Cable Griffith Summer Pile 2007 oil on paper 11" x 17" [Seattle-based blog: Cable Griffith]

Martin Bromirski Untitled painting on canvas 8" x 16" [formerly Richmond-based, and now a New York State-based blog: anaba]

Fallon and Rosof 48 Useful Paintings from the Useful Painting Series 2001-2006 (this is a random pile of small paintings on found wood scraps) [Philadelphia-based blog: roberta fallon and libby rosof's artblog]

[detail, table from above]

[detail, table upturned]

Bloggers do it on line - and some do it in studios too.

These folks don't just blog about Art; they're making some of that stuff themselves. There are some real treasures at "The Blogger Show", installed at Agni Gallery in the East Village through January 12. Unfortunately I can only show a very few of them here.

The show was organized by John Morris and Pittsburgh's Digging Pit Gallery. It's actually a joint venture with Panza Gallery in Millvale, Pennsylvania. A list of the thirty or so artist/bloggers from around the country who are represented in the New York edition, together with the names of their blogs, can be found on the show's own site, which is actually a blog itself. Looking at the art they produce it would seem they have nothing in common but their blogging, but there's also an enormous, shared enthusiasm for other people's work, something which couldn't be missed when I met many of them at the New York opening earlier this month.

hey james! thank you for going, and for all of your support.

Your photos make our work look great! thanks and xo

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Published on November 19, 2007 2:46 PM.

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