introducing Idiom



It's beautiful (I love the blue logo), and it's very smart. That's exactly how I wish I could describe everything in the world. Unfortunately I can't always arrange it. But Barry and I are going to have a lot to do with this new thing we're putting together, along with some very beautiful and awesome-smart people, so we're certainly going to be working on that beautiful and smart thing.

We're hoping our efforts will please visitors as well.

Idiom is our collaboration with a few other arts fanatics in the creation of a digital magazine, which we're describing as an online publication of urban artistic practice. As announced in today's press release, we will be asking creative and articulate "emerging artists, writers and arts professionals to report on, review, and otherwise cover overlooked or under-thought aspects of the larger creative community, Idiom offers a local, engaged counterpoint to the prevailing discourse of contemporary art."

That means all the arts, although we anticipate a heavy emphasis on the visual arts.

Stephen Squibb will be the editor, and the senior editor is B. Blagojevic.

I have to say I'm quite excited by the prospect of Idiom; I am constantly seeking as you write, an engaged counterpoint to the prevailing discourse of contemporary art--because it seems so necessary. Thanks!

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Published on September 29, 2009 5:49 PM.

previous entry: NURTUREart benefit October 12

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