Man Bartlett's "24h Best non-Buy, a Performance"


This sort of thing is why I don't despair of the art world.

It's almost 6 o'clock, and that means the artist Man Bartlett is about to complete his "24h Best non-Buy, a Performance" inside the aisles of the Best Buy store in Union Square.

Barry and I learned about the piece through Twitter, and Barry was able to follow that traffic all afternoon. There's also this. I visited Bartlett in person around three o'clock, on my way home from the Greenmarket. He told me that the going had been tough at times, mostly during the middle of the night, when he may have been the only "customer" in the store, but that security had been pretty cool. He also said that he fully expected to be able to leave tonight at 6 without having bought a thing.

While talking to him I learned that he had recently been asked to be a part of the residency program at the Flux Factory.

The more I learn about this artist's work the more I find I want to know. I'm pretty sure we will all soon have that opportunity.

There's much more, from Hrag, on Hyperallergic.

Thank God for our artists, who make us think in new ways. Give them room, and they will bring beauty to a stick of wood... Thank you, Bartlett, for opening our eyes.