#OccupyWallStreet 8 (first draft)

what the march looked like at the foot of Union Square in mid-afternoon today, moments before the police attacked these obviously-hostile miscreants

This post will have to be something of a placeholder, as I'm far too tired to do more than put up a very few images from a day which I found both incredibly depressing and tremendously uplifting.

For the former, I offer the fact that, even by its own imagined standards, the NYPD dishonored itself today, a verdict with which many of its members would have to concur - were they allowed to do so. For the latter, I refer to my renewed, and extended, admiration for the democratic process, the determination, and the integrity of the participants in #occupywallstreet.

an arrest near Union Square for, well, . . . something they'd decide on later

silence your critics by ordering your lackeys to snatch them up in a dragnet and put them totally out of communication for a while (although the technique has some downsides, including that of the an occasional passerby being swept up - some of whom may not respect the current "anything for security" mantra and put up quite a stink - and there's always the mischance of an attack on the press, like that which occurred on Saturday when a reporter for Public Television was arrested as he diligently pursued both his profession and what we would once have quaintly referred to as his rights)

. . . and don't be surprised if the intended victims don't want to cooperate

. . . and if some really keep their cool

a view of a large number of the arrestees, but I still don't see any "hostiles", even if tying their hands behind their backs and pushing them into the base of a building is intended to make them look guilty of just about anything

with the marchers back at Liberty Plaza, minus the total of 96 (according to an overheard police communication) who had just been arrested, the General Assembly convened to discuss a threatened charge by the NYPD, now lined up three and four deep at the east end while menacing them with prominent stacks of the Department's now-notorious orange netting

the media center was busier than usual because of the mess made by the NYPD and the attention it had attracted

on this particular afternoon the on-site library was attracting fewer patrons than usual

The beginnings of an appendix:

Colin Moynihan in The New York Times


live streaming from the site

#occupywallstreet twitter

AnonOps Communications