Eve Sussman's "whiteonwhite:algorithmicnoir"

Mr. Holz inside his hotel room in City-A

Have you ever sat in a theater watching a film and wished it would go on forever? Eve Sussman and the Rufus Corporation have made a film which can do just that. "whiteonwhite:algorithmicnoir" is installed inside a Chelsea gallery, complete with several rows of theater-style seats, for just one more week. While the hours at Cristin Tierney are finite (10 am - 6 pm), the film can theoretically run forever, never repeating itself and never coming to an end.

Ideally it should be installed in a space accessible 24 hours a day, and it should be there permanently. But even in its current arrangement it was one of the most beautiful, spellbinding films I've ever seen, and I was there for less than an hour. As I could never expect to actually move in with it, just knowing that it was essentially "open" at either end of my own experience of it may be enough.

I still want to go back.

It's a gorgeous, ustopian-noir algorithmically-shuffled continuously-evolving work, with a stunning soundtrack equal to the its astonishing images.

Mr. Holz in Yuri's office

[images are stills, large details, captured from the installation]

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Published on October 17, 2011 4:04 PM.

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