Happy: May 2007 Archives

children playing in a fronton in the fishing town of Getaria, on the Basque coast

I've just put dozens of images on Flickr, specifically of people we encountered during our two weeks in Spain. Most of them are complete strangers, but Barry shows up regularly. It doesn't surprise me that there is a disproportionate number of attractive men. There's also one dog patiently waiting for its young master. The pictures appear chronologically, and the series begins in Madrid, moves north to Segovia and several small towns in Castille-Leon, La Rioja and Navarra, goes on to Pamplona and some smaller towns in Basque country, including Gueteria on the Costa Vasca, continues through Aragon, including Zaragoza, and ends in Barcelona.

Some of these pictures are beautiful, some cute, some funny and some revealing. The remainder (in fact all of them) are at least individual small documents.

Over the next few days or more I expect to be tagging and titling them, and I'll also be adding other shots (the people-less ones), and some will appear on this site as well.

nice beltline

It took us at least 45 minutes to turn over the keys to our rental car here in Barcelona yesterday, but there was also this pleasant distraction at the counter immediately ahead of us.

He and his friend appeared to be Italian.



Today was a slow day at the El Escorial. Indeed, it was a day the palace/monastery was closed, but the huge terrace was pulsing with life during a lunch break for the students at the Real Colegio Alfonso XII.

By precisely 3 o'clock everyone had disappeared inside the doors and the terrace was empty.

Francisco de Zurbar�n Still Life with Lemons, Oranges and a Rose 1633

We're flying to Spain tomorrow for two weeks: Madrid, a motor trip north, ending in Barcelona, from which we fly back on the 16th.

I was in Barcelona in 1961. I was almost arrested for wearing Bermuda shorts while riding around on my bike. I went back to Spain (Madrid, Toledo, Segovia, Salamanca) in 1980. the Caudillo was dead, and it felt like one big party; I can't believe I haven't been been back in the meantime.

Barry just did a post covering some territory we're going to have to miss, several benefits and some theatre.

I have no idea whether I'll have a chance to blog while away. Okay, maybe some pictures if we have good internet connections.

[image from gatochy]

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