serendipitous, evanescent, now published

image of part of Joe Ovelman's installation, "Two Walls"

The picture is big. It runs across one page and onto the other. I'm credited for the casual image captured by my tiny digital camera, but it was just for the record. No, it was an act of love.

It's only because of the surprise element and the ephemeral nature of the artist's September 13 Chelsea wall installations that in Wayne Norcross's review of Joe Ovelman's "Two Walls" in the Jan/Feb issue of Genre my own photograph dominates the magazine's two-page spread. At the time I thought of the picture as a modest documentation of something I would not see again. Except for the images in my head it was all I could take home with me that day if I wasn't going to rip the color zeroxes off the plywood wall.

For more images of details from the wall on 10th Avenue, and the remnants of the wall on 25th Street, see the "gallery" links on two earlier posts.

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Published on December 26, 2003 6:34 PM.

previous entry: "The Rural Life"

next entry: chauvinism co-opting an ancient holiday