Evan Schwartz

Evan Schwartz tub

I really like it when I come across a subject, any subject, for a second time and it's arrived from another direction altogether.

It was at least a number of months ago that I had read a story (I believe it appeared in the NYTimes, but I can't find it now) about a young student who was raising money in very imaginative ways to pay for gender reassignment surgery.

While visiting Williamsburg galleries this past Sunday I spotted a photograph which bowled me over at the time and which remains etched in my mind tonight. The image was a powerful and very beautiful self-portrait by Evan Schwartz, the young woman whose courageous story had impressed me earlier.

Evan is an artist; I don't remember that part, and maybe it wasn't even a part of the account I had read, but I'm not going to forget it now.

I saw Schwartz's image (it's the one which appears at the top of this post) hanging in the long hall at the Schroeder Romero Gallery and now I know that he will have his own show there in a few months. It opens January 7th. I don't remember ever before recommending, or even mentioning, a show on this blog months before it had been hung, but this is a good time to start.

There is more work on Schwartz's own site, including this image, which is from the same series, “Reclaiming Puberty,” as the one above.

Evan Schwartz post-coital

CORRECTION: The published story I referred to above was not in the Times, but rather in Time Out New York magazine. Unfortunately "TONY" still has no online archive; I guess it thinks of itself as just a weekly billboard (or a shopping and entertainment guide minus the coupons).

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I said I was going to write about a new young artist at Schroeder Romero, but James beat me to... Read More

hi this is evan schwartz. lisa at the gallery directed me to your blog...i hope it's ok that i'm writing you. i'm really glad you enjoyed the photographs. i hope you can make it to the show! feel free to email me with any other comments/questions.


Thanks so much for recognizing Evan's work for how powerful and moving these images are. It is an important body of work and we are very excited to show it. Thanks for all your support!
Lisa & Sara Jo
Schroeder Romero Gallery

About this Entry

Published on September 30, 2004 10:33 PM.

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