Eric Doeringer at apexart




As far as I'm concerned there's never enough of Maurizio Cattelan to go around, but now Eric Doeringer is helping out - with a wonderful additional conceit.

As I understand it Cattelan had been invited by apexart to do something in their space. What they ended up with was "Maurizio Couldn't Be Here." This was a series of five Saturdays of performance-related events organized by five different people invited by Cattelan to curate shows in the Church Street space. For the final Saturday the curator Fernanda Arruda picked Doeringer, and Doeringer created a new unlimited edition for the occasion, a hand-painted latex mask (miniature, of course) of Cattelan's face. Behind a black curtain dividing the gallery on Saturday, in addition to pushing his earlier product range of "Bootlegs" of hot artists, he was offering a ziplock bag of five miniature masks for $100 (a price at or near the high end for his pieces).

No surprise, but I understand Cattelan himself is a Doeringer collector.

Sorry about all the images; I couldn't help myself. I just had to put up all three of my pictures of the front-room installation. And yes, we did buy a bag of Doeringer Cattelans while there.

The pictures are great. Keep them coming. You really bring the show to life. Thanks!

As I look at them this morning, the masks as installed suggest a flock of birds; I think that's what I was trying to describe to people verbally later that day and the next, before I saw these photos. I really love birds.

James: Thanks for the great shots! I immediately emailed Eric and ordered my own bag of masks.


Brilliant! Thanks for the review - it's really nice to know what one is missing. And miss it just a little less.

hey wats the artwork (in the pictures) actually titled???

emma, it's called "Maurizio Cattelan", and there's more information here on his own site, where you can find all of his work

About this Entry

Published on March 15, 2005 5:53 PM.

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