Frankie Martin at Canada

Frankie Martin "The One Minute Rave" installation view

Frankie Martin's "One Minute Rave" was still installed in the rear gallery at Canada when we visited the gallery this past Tuesday. She had created a club in the space of, roughly, a ten foot cube, although Barry and I were the only ravers available that afternoon, two days after the show had closed.

From Tom Moody's post:

Press a button outside a cloth-draped doorway, enter the room with the black light, strobe, and cardboard cutout DJ, and you have exactly one minute to freak out. Actually you can do it multiple times, but you have to keep sticking your hand outside the doorjamb to hit the switch that activates the music and lights. Some very nice handcrafted work, geometric patterns, psychedelic drawing, and pure kitsch from the era of smart drinks, glow in the dark whistles, and floor shattering bass lines. Which is still going on in many parts of the country, and/or in a state of being perpetually revived, as the '60s psychedelic thing continues to morph with new technology and new crops of initiates.
We missed the live rave dancers announced for opening night, but we went home with a 45 and this seven-inch album cover drawing:

Frankie Martin going to the rave 2005 "i don't want to be seen as fragile"

[the sign in the rear of the station wagon reads, "nerd on board"]

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Published on April 17, 2005 11:47 PM.

previous entry: Jocelyn Shipley at Canada

next entry: beware of that "dictatorship of relativism"