Kiki and Herb kick ass!

I was a Kiki and Herb virgin until tonight. I'm now a convert, and I welcome the mark and the burden that usually accompanies that designation.

The show at The Knitting Factory was a knockout. I told my friends that it was the best theater I had seen in, oh I don't know how long. My memory sags. I said "theater" because it was theater, yet it was in fact a pocket Gesamtkunstwerk joined with more than a dash of very spicy and quite smart political wit. Yea and a thousand times yea! (Barry said that he "thinks our drag sisters have MUCH better politics than the gay community in general." Too bad that, about the community.)

P.S. Herb is even cuter in person than in the photographs, and I would describe his piano and voice as just, well, perfect, except that the adjective might suggest something finite or closed. His art is definitely not.

kiki 2002-09-06 knitting factor

kiki 2002-09-06 knitting factor

kiki 2002-09-06 knitting factor

kiki 2002-09-06 knitting factor

kiki 2002-09-06 knitting factor

About this Entry

Published on September 7, 2002 12:45 AM.

previous entry: we are not alone?

next entry: "I would wear the opposite -- nuke em' all!"