Marguerite Evangeline at Stefan Stux



Yesterday Barry wrote about Marguerite Evangeline's very strong show, "Shot Through," at Stefan Stux, but regretted he didn't have images of the work. I ended up with these on my own camera's chip, and thought I'd share them.

The works are each titled, Los Lunas, followed by a separate number. They are all from 2005, and they are of stainless steel and gunshot.

UPDATE: Bloggy now has a copy of her statement as a PDF file.

probably-irrelevant-footnote: In the shades of Longfellow's heroine, Evangeline is from Louisiana. Anyway, her work came to me first, but I've always been fascinated with Acadia, Louisiana and her beautiful name.

About this Entry

Published on April 18, 2005 11:36 PM.

previous entry: we call it the breakfast room

next entry: but without the drugs, sex or rock and roll