heading for Florida and the Miami art fairs

okay, I saw these three in L.A., but they'll have to do for now

If you're in Miami next week for the art fairs* we may bump into each other, that is, if I can be pried out of our rental Beetle convertible.

We don't schedule our travels around these events, but Barry and I decided I had to see Florida at least once in my lifetime. If I needed an excuse, Art Basel (more especially the five other, progressively more scrappy shows which have been scheduled for the same days) and a long-standing invitation from an old school friend who lives on South Beach, seemed to be the absolute best.

For those who don't know my face, I'll probably be the only one with a red button on whatever top I'm wearing [I'm from New York, so I almost wrote "or coat"].

For a narrative, and some links, see Ed winkleman here and here, but don't forget Frisbee

About this Entry

Published on November 23, 2005 6:01 PM.

previous entry: left on 10th Avenue

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