Armory, Pulse, Scope, Fountain, LA ART, DiVA


If the Armory Show was the slightly stuffy grown-up, Pulse was the younger sibling who wanted to be liked as much as respected, and Scope was the sassy kid who decided to ignore the rules.

Fountain was the scrappy youngster from the other side of town (the other sided of the tracks?) who just refused to accept being written off, and LA ART was the interesing visiting cousin.

DiVA is like that brilliant but weird family member no one knew quite what to do with.

You won't find any "fair" rating system here; there was good work everywhere this week, and each of the venues displayed its share of clunkers.

Starting tonight or tomorrow, what I will do, until I run out of steam, is upload images in no particular order from each of these shows, excepting DIVA. Unfortunately while we really enjoyed it last year we didn't plan well enough to get downtown before the digital and video fair closed tonight. I'll try to include at least some basic details for each artist's work, but there probably won't be much more.