Alice Könitz at Hudson Franklin

Alice Könitz Magazines and Stand 2006 wood, Chromolux paper, magazines 47" x 25" x 20" [view of installation]

Hudson Franklin has a wonderfully-challenging (okay, it's actually pretty baffling, and for me that's like catnip) show of sculpture and collage by Alice Könitz.

Much of the work shown is assembled from cut paper, but what beautiful paper and what beautiful cuts! Most of the other materials used are pretty common as well, even if the installation is anything but. If we were only looking at an elegant room, it would be as sterile as such a space always is when empty of people and dreams, and this gallery is not unoccupied. There's solid stuff underneath Könitz's paper glitz, and it's worth exploring.

About this Entry

Published on September 19, 2006 4:59 PM.

previous entry: the old Vinegar Hill

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