Eric Sall at LMCC Open Studios




Eric Sall's solo show of paintings at ATM Gallery closed a few days ago. Barry reported that he really liked them, when he returned from a visit to the gallery on which I couldn't accompany him. The day I went over to 27th Street by myself I had to come home unexpectedly early and didn't get to the show. Then unfortunately I never made it back, but having since seen what Sall was showing inside his space at LMCC open studios two weeks ago I know what Barry was talking about.

The paintings are dazzling, and being able to talk to the artist in his studio, almost in the midst of his process, may have made up for what I had missed earlier. I hope I'm sharing at least some of their beauty by being able to broadcast these images from this site.

The relative sizes of these three works are, in the order they are shown, medium, rather large and pretty small.

About this Entry

Published on May 13, 2008 9:03 PM.

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