Joe Ovelman returns from São Paulo

Joe Ovelman (São Paulo wall)

Joe Ovelman will be doing another of his huge photo installations on a very fortunate Chelsea wall early Saturday morning. This will essentially be the first street project to include work done while he has been living in Brazil. I'm assuming all of the images we will see this weekend were captured in the southern hemisphere.

Joe in Brazil with his camera. This is certain to be a great ride. Other than the possibility that there may be more than one dimension to the idea of wall this time, I know almost nothing else about the new piece.

Papered along the west side of 10th Avenue between 22nd and 23rd Streets, the work should be whole and complete by about 6 am, but don't wait too long to check it out. There's never any way to know how quickly the images may be destroyed or removed; ironically their mortality, and especially the uncertainty of the number of their days (hours?), contributes to the incredible vitality of every one of Ovelman's wall projects.

I hope to have pictures of the piece here later in the day on Saturday.

[image from Joe Ovelman]

About this Entry

Published on May 4, 2006 9:26 PM.

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