Matthew Northridge at Zach Feuer window

Matthew Northridge Memorial to the Great Western Expo September 11 - October 20, 2007
[no other information available for this piece, shown here in an installation view]

I have to admit that among the changing installations in the Chelsea gallery area I look forward to most, with something like the same childish delight with which I once welcomed Tooth Fairy or Easter Bunny visits, are those to be found in Zach Feuer's window on 10th Avenue (the west side, between 25th and 26th Street). This modest space, which has been carved out of a former entryway, is currently occupied by a single wonderful piece by Matthew Northridge.

This is a nice piece! How he keeps the tape from sagging is perplexing me!

Mark, I was thinking the same thing, only seconds after seeing the installation. I thought it might be a bit graceless of me to dwell on the engineering, so I'm delighted to hear an artist I respect ask the same question.

I mostly moved the thought to another chamber in my head by deciding there must be some hidden rod behind the white tape thingy.

The artist tells me there is no secret. It's just artist's tape on a sanded, well-prepared wall.

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Published on September 17, 2007 11:44 PM.

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