
This post is part of a series begun on May 21, 2007, which will continue until the U.S. concentration camps at Guantanamo Bay and elsewhere around the world have been razed.

Two things this time around: First, we haven't been screaming about Guantanamo for five years only to watch painfully as this miserable concentration camp is broken up and its internee victims removed and dispersed among any number of new facilities established inside the U.S. border, fresh black holes even less open to our own conscience and the world's scrutiny than their notorious progenitor. Second, today is the eighty-ninth anniversary of the armistice which ended the Great War; it would be nice if we could believe our never-ending supply of old men in suits and brass had learned anything at all in the interim.

[fabric color swatch, otherwise unrelated to Guantanamo, from froggtoggs]

About this Entry

Published on November 11, 2007 12:44 PM.

previous entry: Asian Contemporary Art Fair

next entry: notes from the Asian Contemporary Art Fair [ACAF]