civil rights, yes, but gay marriage be damned

no plastic grooms

This is the definition of "marriage" from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary:


Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English mariage, from Anglo-French, from marier to marry
Date: 14th century

1 a (1): the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2): the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage

2: an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected ; especially : the wedding ceremony and attendant festivities or formalities

3: an intimate or close union

I see no religious or sacramental reference in this definition, and I am sufficiently familiar with recorded history and primordial custom to know that "marriage" has traditionally been regarded as a state independent of any and all religions.

I'm not going to jump onto anyone's bandwagon in a quest to join my contemporary religionists and their reactionary concept of personal relationships, and if I should end up outside City Hall tomorrow (Saturday) it will be only to stand somewhere with a simple sign suggested by my friend Bill Dobbs:


Although I'd try to add in something about civil rights for all, since not everyone is cut out for unions.

Two nights ago Dobbs sent an email around: "39 years after Stonewall the gays in New York City say GOD LOVES GAY MARRIAGE", and he attached an image showing that on the central banner of Wednesday's demonstration outside the Mormon Church's New York headquarters across from Lincoln Center.

I'm just as disgusted as Bill, but I'm old enough to actually remember Stonewall and have to ask, what's the hell's going on here?

It seems we're not alone on this. See "sorry, sweethearts, still fiercely disinterested in this one" from johnny i hardly knew you.

[image of Tab Hunter and Roddy McDowall from michaelprocopio]

Thank you, thank you James. Funny how things work. Two of us freedom fighters for 40 years and several leaders in the trans movement here in Hartford, did not attend nor support the rally. For me I am sick of this bandwagon now crossing America convincing all in its way that what they want is what we all do. Meanwhile every thing else is pushed to the side. Now we are all suppose to be irate homonormative gays out screaming in the street but once the problem is over we go back home.

Check out some of the postings on on this issue. A young person sent in a very thoughtful posting yesterday.

James, thanks for the art and your writing.

I had mixed feelings but I went and enjoyed myself. As an atheist and a bisexual person a church wedding is not my personal dream. But I realize it is a dream for some. The deciding factor for me was the widespread rejection of the non-inclusive version of ENDA and assimilation at any cost. I support the rights of gay people who are traditionalist and/or religious so long as the community as a whole is not willing to sell out or tolerate discrimination for others in the queer community.

About this Entry

Published on November 14, 2008 11:47 PM.

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