Cults: July 2006 Archives

Sue Coe War Street 2000 etching 9.5" x 12.5"

Okay, for better or for worse, the U.S. is the only "superpower" (for now) so I don't think it's presumptuous to talk about the size of our footprint: Right now unfortunately our impact doesn't seem to be meliorative anywhere, and there may be no better gauge of the bankruptcy of American leadership and diplomacy than the headlines which appear on my YAHOO! page at this moment.


Israeli reprisals hit Lebanon

North Korea storms out of meeting with South

Iran defiant after case goes back to UN


Israel attacks Beirut airport

India names suspects in train attacks

Japan wants quick U.N. vote on N. Korea


Dozens killed as Israel bombs Lebanon over seized soldiers

North Korean missile diplomacy falters

Defiant Iran threatens to quit nuclear treaty

Now, what was it the Bush administration neocons were going to teach the world? It looks like we're closer to the fundamentalist/crazies' longed-for Armageddon than the Kristols' new world of cadet-democracies, but that should not be either a surprise of a disappointment for most of Bush's hard-core fans.

[image from Graphic Witness]

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