March for Women's Lives

the Church Ladies for Choice out in the noonday sun today

"March for Women's Lives" It was both a summons and an appellation today. Thousands of activists ended up with a rally at the edge of New York's elegant little City Hall after a march over the Brooklyn Bridge this afternoon.

The enthusiastic crowd was intent on ensuring that the issues of reproductive health remain part of the national political dialogue. The idea was to defend all of these (global family planning, real sex education, accessible, safe and legal abortion, birth control options, the right to privacy regarding sexuality, and equal access to health care) in the face of increasing onslaughts from a powerful and fanatical radical Right Wing.

The marchers were very serious, but even on one of the hottest afternoons of the summer style and humor marched along with them.

For a few images captured under a hot sun today, go to this gallery.

About this Entry

Published on August 28, 2004 3:21 PM.

previous entry: "Watch What We Say"

next entry: August 29, 2004, marching for national sanity