approaching martial law in Chelsea

just another evening in Chelsea this week

The media has generally been reporting that, except for the immediate blocks abutting Madison Square Garden, the heavy security blanket covering New York in the last week or two rests lightly on the city's neighborhoods. If asked, residents of Chelsea would describe it otherwise. The words, "martial law" come to mind.

I know it may seem that I'm preoccupied with the police presence in my neighborhood this week, I'd like to think that the current state of Chelsea actually represents New York City as a whole (as is pretty much the case usually) more than most people want to admit, but especially as a really frightening foretaste of what may well be in store permanently for our polity, including that of the entire nation.

For the visuals, see this gallery of half a dozen images taken within the last 24 hours.

I live a couple of blocks away from you, I think, and I agree... it's like living in a police state.

There have been virtually no cars, the streets are pitch black at night, with no pedestrians, which freaks me the fuck out. Manhattan as Ghost Town? Nothing could be more frightening.

On top of that, beady eyes of both undercover and uniformed cops have been scrutinizing me when I go anywhere, like they're gauging the level of my potentiality as a person working with nefarious intent.

And the whole thing with the pre-emptive arresting is scary as hell.

About this Entry

Published on September 1, 2004 6:54 PM.

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