Pierogi is moving to Leipzig

before Pierogi

No, Pierogi 2000, the pioneering Williamsburg gallery is actually only opening up a second space. Brooklyn and the island to the west can breathe a sigh of relief.

It's interesting that it's Leipzig [in the Spinnerei] rather than Berlin. I mean, the U.S. considers the German capital so important that as far back as ten months ago we had already decided to inaugurate direct service from New York. Who knows when it will be Leipzig's turn? Once he lands at Tegel, Joe's going to have to switch to a train to get to his new provincial annex.

Okay, just kidding. I know Leipzig is very important. It's got history and trade fairs and I understand it now has a new school, and I think anything which makes the German eastern lands more interesting than they already are is a very good thing.

By the way, I only found out about this exciting new development while Barry and I were visiting our local space yesterday. I heard someone being told that Joe [Amrhein] was in Leipzig. That would have been enough to attract my interest, but on the way out I picked up a card which clearly indicated there were suddenly two Pierogi's.

Now I have questions. Will there be a flat file? Is it for Germans? Why does its first show feature two New York artists? And finally, if Germany actually does need a real American gallery, doesn't America need a real German gallery?

[image from Spinnerei]

How cool is Joe? He doesn't look west - as most of us from Williamsburg (myself included), but goes for another "outpost" east.
He is innovative and my hat is off to him.

Yes, he is cool and growing as he must. His format is inherently revolutionary. He cannot become a static museum of late 1990's Brooklyn or he will die. The right move.

About this Entry

Published on March 20, 2006 9:08 PM.

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