Franklin Evans at Marie Walsh Sharpe Open Studios







My visit to Franklin Evan's studio at the Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Foundation Open Studios left me speechless, and that's pretty much how I remain today, so these images will have to mostly represent themselves.

But I will say that the room never left my mind's eye. It's the one image I've been carrying around with me ever since, and through all the personal and cultural distractions of the last two and a half weeks it's the thing I've most wanted to sit down and put up on this blog. I uncovered many other delights that day, but the total environment Evans had created in a real working space would have been unique in any company, and it was as awesomely smart as it was incredibly gorgeous.

Barry and myself have both been fascinated with Evans's painting/drawing (and his curating) for years, and while I've always thought he was a creative treasure working, remarkably, under many people's radar, I think that with this newest work he's onto something which can't be ignored, regardless of whether the viewer can share the intellectual complexity of the artist's conceit.

Thanks so much to Brent Burket (@heartasarena) for pointing me to this link. Evan's room at the current Greater New York show at PS 1 was a highlight. I think I missed tweeting it. This stuff is highly intriguing, but hard to talk about without sounding like a rambling madman.

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Published on May 12, 2009 6:42 PM.

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