Ridykeulous at Participant

Lindsay Brant Bush Wackers 2004 Trader Joe’s bags, papier mâché, egg shells, foam, wire, plastic, glass eyes [installation view, including a detail of Lisa Sanditz's wall mural, Pussy Den]

I've been feeling just a little bit guilty about showing so many [almost]cum shots on this site lately, so I was delighted to finally make it to the excellently outrageous/outrageously excellent show, "Ridykeulous", curated by Nicole Eisenman and A.L. Steiner at Participant. But ouch! It was the last day. My answer to the challenge that represents for my readers, or viewers, was to put up as many images as I could muster, giving them a chance to float into the ether forever.

The show is based on the two women's publication of the same name, making both, in the words of the press release, very much the same "collaborative effort on the part of the two curators to subvert the languages, both theoretical and visual, which are commonly used to define Feminist or Lesbian art."

It sure worked for me!

And how do we get to see more of these wonderful artists?

Nicole Eisenman Ridykeulous Recruitment Center 1993 installation view]

K8 Hardy Fashionfashion Money Look 2006 C-print [installation view]

Carrie Moyer Chromafesto (Sister Resister 1.2) 2003 acrylic on canvas & wheat pasted posters [installation view]

Keith Boadwee Snowmen #2 2006 [instalaltion view]

Paige Gratland Celebrity Lesbian Fist (Eileen Myles) 2006 silicon [installation view]

Ulrike Mueller 9 drawings pencil and spray paint on paper [installation view]

Christian Lemmerz Charles Saatchi’s Dick mixed media [installation view]

Victoria Robinson Ship Went Down 2006 DVD [video still from installation]

Claude Wampler A despondent Pomeranian appears to be detained in underwear 2005 black & white c-print

Laura Parnes Blood and Guts in High School 2005 [video stills from two segments of the piece in the installation]

James, thank you so much for posting these pics and checking out our show! we're selling Ridykeulous at printed matter and at leo koenig gallery.
Thanks again!
outrageously yours,

About this Entry

Published on April 3, 2006 3:31 PM.

previous entry: Sachar Mathias at Outrageous Look

next entry: Nicole Cherubini at Gasser & Grunert