for a greater New York

What a legacy! Yes, but while still alive, for most of her eighty years, Antonia Pantoja must have been just a dazzling, inspiring, sometimes daunting, everyday reality for those who shared her life and for those whom she helped. In the end, she helped all of us, making the entire country, and New York especially, a much better place.

Juan Gonzalez describes her impact on individuals, in today's Daily News.

With all due respect to Marc Anthony, Ricky Martin and J.Lo, no one during the past 50 years did more to elevate the Puerto Rican community in the United States than Pantoja.

One look at the doctora's story however and Gonzalez's comparisons seem grotesquely lame.

About this Entry

Published on May 30, 2002 3:33 PM.

previous entry: more on Weakland, spot on!

next entry: still safe!